Thursday, June 27, 2019 

Strand Key
Ready, Set, Launch!
All Means All
Sound Stewardship





Session I (10:00am - 11:00am)

Growing Students: Learning through Movement
Teaching in the Age of School Violence: Understanding and Working with Adolescents who Make Threats
Yoga and Mindfulness within the Classroom Setting
Social Emotional Learning
Let Teachers Take The Lead: Using Questioning to Increase Teachers' Ownership in the Observation Process
TED Talks (A): Conversations Worth Having
TED Talks (B): Conversations Worth Having
Escape the Normal Routine
Power of Words
Get Lost in Classroom Libraries (If You Build It, They WILL Read)
Engaging and Embracing Relationships with ELL Families
Power of Protocols - Part I
Culture: It's not Learned. It's LIVED!
The Resilient Teacher
Understanding our Marginalized Student Populations: Students Enrolled under McKinney Vento and Informal Kinship Care
Pathway Towards Improved Social and Emotional Health for All
Let's Celebrate!
Sparks in the Dark - Kids Deserve it!
Getting Organized with One Note
Promising and Best Practices from the Field
Beyond the Classroom Walls: Engaging Students Outside
Hope Does NOT Disappoint
Maintaining School Culture: Year #2 of FISH
What’s Your One Word?
Stop the Bleed


Session II (11:15am - 12:15pm)

Growing Students: Learning through Movement
Teaching in the Age of School Violence: Understanding and Working with Adolescents who Make Threats
Yoga and Mindfulness within the Classroom Setting
Social Emotional Learning
Embracing Diversity Through Diversity Week
Fostering Academic Mindsets: Launching Into College!
Let Teachers Take The Lead: Using Questioning to Increase Teachers' Ownership in the Observation Process
TED Talks (A): Conversations Worth Having
TED Talks (B): Conversations Worth Having
Escape the Normal Routine
Positive School Culture: Build it and they will COME!
Power of Words
Get Lost in Classroom Libraries (If You Build It, They WILL Read)
Power of Protocols - Part II
Understanding our Marginalized Student Populations: Students Enrolled under McKinney Vento and Informal Kinship Care
Pathway Towards Improved Social and Emotional Health for All
Let's Celebrate!
Sparks in the Dark - Kids Deserve it!
Collaborate and Communicate with Microsoft Teams and Staff Notebook
Promising and Best Practices from the Field
Beyond the Classroom Walls: Engaging Students Outside
Become the Storyteller-in-Chief of Your School's Brand Promise
Culture: It's not Learned. It's LIVED!
Maintaining School Culture: Year #2 of FISH
Structures that Work: Collaborative Planning for Data-Informed Instruction
What’s Your One Word?
Literacy is Life!
Supporting Transgender Students in AACPS


Session III (1:30pm - 2:30pam)

Daring to Lead through Sharing Our Stories
The Power of Teacher Leadership
Embracing Diversity Through Diversity Week
Fostering Academic Mindsets: Launching Into College!
TED Talks (A): Conversations Worth Having
TED Talks (B): Conversations Worth Having
Positive School Culture: Build it and they will COME!
How to Make Your School a Happier Place
What's Your Vision? Vision Boards 101
Gamestorming-Strategies for Creative Thinking
Equitable Practices in the Teaching & Learning Cycle
Wellness Walkways: Fostering a Peaceful Learning Environment
Taking Back Time
Internet Safety: Awareness Through Knowledge
Creating and Sustaining a Winning Culture in Sport
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Physical Integration as an Equitable Practice
Do as I say AND as I Do: Using Nearpod for PD
BrandED: Tell Your Story, Build Relationships, and Empower Learning
New Principals: You're a Principal, Now What?
Structures that Work: Collaborative Planning for Data-Informed Instruction
Integrating SEL into Daily Classroom Instruction
Literacy is Life!
Leading Positively with Challenging People
Supporting Transgender Students in AACPS
Student Voice